Wednesday 21 July 2010


I finally got around to producing some screenshots, there are still quite a few problems with it (specifically shadows), the various lighting effects have not really been implemented in full yet but there will be more changes by friday, at the moment the player can run through the level, everything you see has collision and I added a couple of basic textures that have glows to indicate lights. I'm still learning the ropes with unreal's lighting but I should have something soon. Some more basic objects have been made in 3DS Max and I'll have them in soon, then I'll upload some more screenshots on thursday.


  1. Really like the open feel to this. As it becomes more refined the space of this level should look fantastic. Is the light(sun)angle set as a default or are you going to experiment with the height of the sun to see how the shadows and the space changes?

  2. I was thinking about angling the light, I am currently using an omni light so that shouldn't be too difficult, I would like to see some longer shadows since currently the fall directly under everything. I'll have some new images later today hopefully.

  3. I agree with stu, regarding investing time in the lighting, also it might be an idea to mute some of the key colours like the strong red and blue tiled floor to monochrome, they are overpowering the forms a little, what do the interior guys think of the colours used?

  4. Also would pillars to suppourt the massive cantalever, ruin the form or would they provide extra gameplay and cover whilst adding to the realism? your choice.

  5. I'm now spending more time on lighting, the colours used were my idea and I just liked them, I'll see what the interior students think tomorrow and either go monochrome or produce a colour palette, as for the pillars, we used the positions of the pillars from victoria train station and added some thicker pillars, this way they can be shown to support the new floors and they are wide enough for some good cover. I already tried adding an enemy in an older version and it works quite well, the form of the pillars will be subject to change however. The cylinders you see are pretty much placeholders.
