Thursday, 1 July 2010

First rough plan uploaded

No annotations or images attached yet since we're in the progress of refining them. This is a our first rough idea of where we want to go and we're just trying to get a general idea of the route to take without being to delicate in recreating the station brick for brick.

We'll refine these layouts in illustrator, photoshop and possibly simple sketchup models as well as adding photos to help illustrate our routes and points of conflict/interest.

Hopefully this will help us progress with more purpose.


  1. Im presuming the start is at the bottom and its traditional buildings to the left and its the part of the tram stop?
    That's only because i know Manchester, and possibly an insertion of a new building further on? other than that i can see some spacings from cover to cover of headless batman? ;-)

    im guessing, here

    get some thoughts and post it notes about what your thnking overlayed. help me out a little.
    Is the space dynamic enough? how is it going to light, what direction is light coming from,rough metrics pencilled on, lets get this moving as fast as we can.

  2. dont spend valuable time converting until you are happy with what you have at pencil level, get some call outs to images you like and ideas you want in the space, "i like this stairway, but with this balcony, but with this atrium and this floor, cobble it together, beg borrow steal then craft it into an original idea, use the inspiration and whats out there to get there quicker, its not cheating, its being smart in pre-production, we use rip-omatics to get things across (videoscut of inspiration) and we pull any resource we can in

  3. We were all working on a level design today and just as we had an ideal layout planned, Mick made some suggestions which meant a change to the theme which meant a change to interior and which ultimately changed the level design we had been working on, we should definitely have a solid new level design tomorrow; I will be sending the level to illustrator where we will attempt to show entrances, exits, spawn points and so on. A key will be provided incase we have more instances of the decapitated batman :)

    As for including ideas using post it notes, well we have started that but this is all on the wall at uni; I will take photographs during the next meeting (tomorrow) and also bring up the whole lighting situation.

  4. Its good to let go of stuff that doesnt work fast, if your going to fail or dismiss and idea its better to do it fast and move on. Fast iteration in games is vital, we rarely can afford to be precious, one change in a game mechanic or narrative can radically change the requirements for design of an enviroment
